美国某大学商科研究生课程Optimization Methods and Applications统计类作业代写,这个Exam涵盖线性规划、AMPL编程等知识,需要专业对口的写手才能完成,我们安排了3天时间,高质量的完成。

DNSC 6212 部分作业要求

Question 2 (AMPL and Excel Implementations – 40%)
(NOTE: For this question, you will be graded on both the quality and validity of your AMPL and
Excel implementations).
All-Natural Cereals makes three breakfast cereals, A, B, and C, from four high-quality all-natural
ingredients: rolled oats, raisins, shredded coconuts, and slivered almonds. The monthly
availabilities of the four ingredients are 30 tons, 3 tons, 3 tons, and 3 tons, respectively (1 ton =
2000 pounds). The corresponding costs per ton are $1,500, $3,000, $2,700 and $4,000. Cereal
A is a 50:7:3 mix of oats, raisins, and almonds, cereal B is a 50:7:3 mix of oats, coconuts, and
almonds, while cereal C is a 9:1:1:1 mix of oats, raisins, coconut and almonds. The cereals are
produced in large 2.5-lb bags. Cereals A, B, and C are sold for $4.75, $5.25 and $6.0 per bag,
respectively. The monthly demand for the three cereal types is estimated at 15,000, 18,000 and
12,000 bags, respectively. Beyond the ingredient costs, an additional variable cost of $0.5 is
incurred for preparing each bag of cereal. The following LP was formulated to determine the
optimal production mix for the cereals and the associated required amounts of ingredients.

(a) Justify why the formulation is a valid one for the stated problem. Make sure to discuss the
variables, objective function and constraints. (5%)
(b) Implement and solve the model using AMPL. Follow the “good practices” demonstrated in
the various examples we’ve done together. In particular, make sure that the model allows for
changes in the data as well as the dimension (i.e., size) of the problem instance. Provide the
.mod, .dat and .run files for the model. Discuss the solution obtained. (20%)
(c) Implement the model using Excel. Make sure that you obtain consistent results with those in
(b). (15%)